29 November 2018

Mesin Sedut Duit Yang Ternyata Menyedut Duit Anda

Sebenarnya bukan niat saya nak tulis artikel ni tapi lepas tengok video yang diupload terdetik pula nak tulis sebab Founder tersebut dengan tak segan silunya mempamerkan kekayaan yang banyak menimbulkan tanda tanya. Sebelum anda membuat keputusan untuk meleburkan duit ke dalam skim cepat kaya yang dipercayai menggunakan teknologi A.I, lebih baik anda derma duit tu kat tempat berbuat amal. Rezeki tu datang dari Tuhan bagi yang tak percaya kat Tuhan, korang taubat lah eh. Website tersebut adalah "Mesin Sedut Duit", ternyata itu adalah benar sekali kerana beliau telah berjaya menyedut banyak duit mangsa melalui cara yang teramat mudah sekali.

Mudah kan kalau anda berjaya menarik perhatian mangsa kalau tau trick-nya walaupun iklan TV 90-an dulu pernah mengatakan "Budaya Membaca Amalan Mulia".Ternyata artikel tersebut ingin membuat kita beremosi dan percaya atau tidak kalau kita beremosi, kita tak berfikir panjang. Itu lah salah satu trick scammer yang lazim kita lalui.

Blog tersebut ada memaparkan artikel yang panjang lebar mengenai kenangan silam memang jahanam "KLMJ" dan kemudian di sebalik kegagalan itu beliau telah berjaya mengaut keuntungan yang giler dengan menggunakan teknologi A.I (Artificial Inteligence). Teknologi A.I kemungkinan besar akan mengubah ekonomi dunia tapi Founder sendiri pun tak tahu dari mana datang-nya duit tu. Hmmm, ajaib sungguh teknologi itu kerana berjaya memproses duit masuk ke akaun bank sekelip mata. Kalau macam tu, senang lah nak bayar hutang Malaysia yang berjumlah 1 trillion ringgit tu kan?

Di sini saya ada menemui sesuatu yang menghairankan kerana dengan jelas Founder tersebut mengatakan bahawa "MESINSEDUTDUIT.COM" yang dirujuk sebagai "COMPANY" menafikan bahawa program yang ditempah adalah bukan program affiliate.

Tetapi kandungan terma dan syarat "COMPANY" ternyata mengiyakan bahawa "mesinsedutduit.com" adalah program affiliate.

Apakah program affiliateFollow link tersebut atau research sendiri maksud tu ya. Petikan dari blog tersebut mengenai affiliate program --->
"Affiliate amat sesuai untuk newbie yang baru nak berjinak-jinak dengan bisnes internet ni sebab
1. Tak payah pening-pening pasal nak jual produk apa.
2. Register mudah. Ada yang free dan ada yang kena beli barang dulu. Rajin-rajin le google
3. Website promosi disediakan. so korang promote je la."

Dalam konteks ni, aplikasi telefon bimbit serta beberapa ebook telah diberi kerana mangsa sudah menempah mengikut harga yang dipersetujui kedua belah pihak yang dipercayai Founder bernilai RM12,000 !! Cara mempromosi adalah dengan mengikut skrip emel yang telah diolah terlebih dahulu dan semakin banyak emel yang anda "scrape" semakin besar peluang anda menarik bakal mangsa ke "landing sales page" dengan itu anda akan mendapat komisen dari A.I (laaahhh sangat) tersebut.

Dengan ini saya akhiri dengan pengajaran yang kita boleh ambil dari kandungan artikel mesinsedutduit.com itu. Apa salahnya hidup miskin kalau hidup tak menipu, kan? Saya lebih rela miskin dari hidup kaya dengan menipu hasil titik peluh orang lain. Kalau ada yang berilmu dalam perundangan tu mungkin anda boleh rujuk terma dan syarat "COMPANY" tu, kalau saya cuma faham sedikit sebanyak yang mampu sebab bahasa yang digunakan amat mengelirukan insan yang hina ini. Silakan komen, jangan segan jangan malu. Sekian, terima kasih.

Sila klik untuk melihat kandungan website tersebut:

22 November 2018

Scammed by Zenith Gold

There is a lot of money making opportunities going around on the Internet nowadays. Who wouldn’t tempt to make money easily online? Just sit back and let the money work for you but in reality, it wasn’t as easy as that. What is the legit way to make money? As you can tell, most of us knew the answer but we tend to take a shortcut and make money fast. In the end, we got fooled by our own greed. I have been scammed much time due to this passion for making money and I am not proud of it. I am still broke AF to this day. I can’t even afford a cheap web hosting to host my own domain.

I still remember when a good friend of mine reached out to me introducing me to ZenithGold. At first, I thought, this opportunity smells fishy and I need a few weeks to investigate. I did my Sherlock Holmes version of investigating but now I know that method are useless. Human is easy to be lure by getting rich quick scheme and I am one of them. I almost reach my own good friend to invest but thank god, I never really did it. The plan I chose is easy, wait for 400 days and the money will accumulate with compounding dividend based on daily global Gold prices. I invested for 3 times and most people said that third time’s a charm, right? Well, not for me though.

I waited for my first investment to be in the clear around November 2017 and yes, I get upset because the website that I used to log in with is under maintenance. The site is undergoing a development into cryptocurrency but leaving us the investors not-knowing-what-to-do to get the money. Even the sponsor didn’t know how to reach the mastermind behind it. If it was a legit business, why would they delay the cryptocurrency project till today? How come the investors left out in the cold? There is no way to contact them at the moment because when the business is still booming, they are contactable but not recently though. We could prevent all these fraudulent acts in the first place if we, the humans don’t get greed but we all feel that way and we let our greed in the way to make the right judgment. If you can’t understand anything from the investment, please steer away right then. At least for me, I understand the risks of getting scammed (no, I’m not).

If you have future investment online, check them on Scam Adviser or you could check them Whois Lookup and Stats.

By the way, if you need to read a detailed review of Zenith Gold Review. You need to read this article. Spreading the awareness on scam company is never tiring.

21 November 2018

How Important It Is To Have Background Check

There's a new guy working in your office. You haven't seen him around before and he keeps switching desks, using those of people who are out of the office or work different shifts. He has a nice smile and seems really friendly. You guess he works in IT because he always has a laptop and fiddles with peoples desktop PCs quite a bit, but you haven't spoken to him directly yet.

As time goes by you work out he's a bit of a charmer. He has a way with people, makes them feel comfortable with him around and some of the ladies in the office have taken quite a shine to him. He's witty, amusing and likes to bring in biscuits or doughnuts for everyone.

Eventually, you find out his name is Tim and he is something to do with IT - you were right! You pluck up the courage to chat to him, and he tells you about his family, his wife and kids, his favorite sport and the team he supports. You get to chat about common interests; he's a really nice bloke and can talk well about almost any topic - not your typical IT geek then.

The following Monday you see no sign of Tim, but you think nothing of it. He's probably off today or working at another company’s site.

By Wednesday, you have realized he must be off on holiday - you hope he's not ill or anything, especially that lovely wife of his.

The next Monday morning arrives and still no Tim. You don't worry too much because your PC is playing up and you can't log in to the network.

After logging a call with the Helpdesk, you notice that there seems to be a lot of senior managers and directors in various meetings, all looking very serious. Oh god, not more redundancies. So you knuckle down and look busy - as much as you can without your computer, putting the lack of Tim to the back of your mind.

When you turn up on Tuesday morning you see that everyone is being taken into a room with some gentlemen in suits - you were right, it is more redundancies. Your turn to go in the room comes and you enter the room with anxiety.

The rather stern looking gentleman in front of you says, "My name is Detective Sargent John Doe. What can you tell me about someone working here recently called Tim... ?"

And that's when you find out that Tim didn't work in IT, he didn't actually work for your company or a supplier. In fact, it's very doubtful his name was even Tim.

You also find out that your company computer systems are offline because they have been infected with a virus which has deleted all your corporate data, but not the police suspect, before "Tim" took copies of all your essential information - personnel records, bank account & credit card details, sensitive customer records, financial data, etc. "Tim" and whoever he worked for now knows more about your company, its employees, suppliers, and customers that your company does!

That's all because you, your colleagues and managers didn't check who "Tim" was, didn't make sure he had the permission and the authority to be where he was, doing what he was doing. Your company has just been the victim of a social engineering scam. "Tim" had essentially conned his way into your company, planted key-loggers on peoples PCs to collect their user Ids and passwords. He had then connected his laptop to your corporate network and hacked into various systems, using the credentials he'd collected, to steal all your vital business data. At the end of this, he had uploaded his virus to the network, ensuring you didn't have access to your systems for at least a few days.

Now imagine if there was no virus, no tell-tale to let your IT people know something was wrong. Would you even know this had happened?

Don't Be Conned By A Resume Writer

A professional resume writer or resume service can indeed help you land a new job or receive a job promotion. My goal in this article is to help you know how to identify a resume scam. While nothing is foolproof, learning what to look for in a resume writer can help you avoid the resume scams!

The Cost of a Professionally Written Resume
The cost of a professionally written resume is an investment in your career and they are tax-deductible! Just because it is an investment does not mean that it will cost you $1,000. However, it also does not mean that a resume writer selling 'professionally written resumes' for $25 will do a good job. Your job as a job seeker is to hire the best you can afford. A strong well-written resume for a mid-level career should not be more than $150, tops! A high-end executive, however, should expect to pay more.

The Sky's the Limit
Which leads us to my next point. Your resume writer should know their own limitations! No resume writer can know everything about every career! A resume scammer will tell you that they do.

Guarantees (Money Back or Job Placement)
If a resume writer guarantees that their resume will get you a job within a particular period of time, find another writer. They cannot guarantee you to get a job any more than you can guarantee me to work for the next 6 months. Your interviewing skills, personality, networking skills, career background and sometimes - sheer luck- are what will get you a job. Resume writers that offer a money back guarantee typically make it so incredibly difficult to get it, that they rarely give refunds. And, any resume writer can tell you how easy it is for clients to scam them.

No Revisions
While a good resume writer will not offer refunds, they should offer revisions. Any company or resume writer who is not willing to work with you and ensure your satisfaction is definitely a scam! There are ways to contact the resume writer if there is a major issue with your resume.

Many resume scams will hook you with a low or reasonable price, then upsell you on other features or services and/or tell you your resume will be longer and make you pay for a '2 or 3-page' resume.

Top 10 Resume Writer/ Top 10 Resume Service Lists
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such (legitimate) site! In most cases, these sites are owned (directly or indirectly) by these resume service sites themselves! They give 'reviews' with 5-star ratings to their companies, or to companies which have paid (usually several hundred dollars per month!) to be included on this list! There are professional resume writing certifications and organizations, and you can find a legitimate resume service there. Keep in mind though; there are also many good writers who are NOT in these organizations for one reason or another. The cost of them is often a primary factor. So, just because your resume writer is not part of these groups, does not mean that they are not very good at what they do. One thing you should do is check to see if the resume writer or service is listed on, which is a popular site where disgruntled customers can log their complaints.

Guaranteed Quick Turnaround Time
It takes several hours for each resume. A good resume takes hours to write and the best resume writers produce only 1-2 resumes per day. Be wary of resume writers that will not provide at least a few different samples of resumes they have created. Any resume writer promising 24-48 hour turnaround and charging $99 or less, generally produces 6-8 resumes a day. They all look the same. The information is put into a template and they shoot it off to you.

Their Website
This is a double-edged sword here. The website should be attractive and easy to find information on. However, just because it is 'pretty' doesn't mean that they produce high quality resumes. Look at their samples. If you don't like their samples, you probably won't like their work. Make sure their samples are of different styles and industries. A resume for a teacher will not look the same as it does for a sales executive or engineer! Look to see if they are focusing on skills and accomplishments as opposed to producing pretty resumes that just list job duties. Also look to see if they are using advanced techniques like color, testimonials, and highlights to make your resume stand out from the crowd. By using your common sense, you can reduce the odds of falling into a resume scam. Being educated and diligent, you significantly reduce that chance and increase the odds of you finding the best resume writer for you.

Background Check

Google search the “resume service name” and the “resume writer's name”, look them up on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Just as employers will check you out before offering you a job, check out your resume writer before you hire them!

Are You A Likely Prey For A Con Artist?

Beware! There may be many charlatans around you. And they are smart? Very smart indeed. They are masters in their 'art'. They are very skillful in building trust. They seem genuine. They are glib talkers and look very concerned about your financial well-being. And they spread their tentacles slowly - ready to pounce upon you at your weak moment.

Are you likely to be their next victim? Yes, if you have a get-rich-quick mentality. If you are looking for that extra percentage or two from your deposits without verifying the credentials; if you are watching TV for the tips that will multiply tenfold; if you have been tempted to reply to the many lottery emails that you would have received; if your greed has over-powered your reason - then you are likely to be conned, sooner or later. Why have swindlers been repeatedly successful throughout human history? Human Greed, of course!

Unfortunately, there are no short-cuts to double your money. And, by the way, even if such a gold-mine does exist. NO ONE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IT. Why should they? Won't they rather make the millions for themselves and their families?

Does talking about money make you nervous? Do you have a phobia for numbers? Do you consider finance to be as difficult as 'God particle'? Do all the sales talks of your bankers, agents, brokers sound Greek and Latin to you? You are a good candidate to be swindled by some smart operator.

Trust me, finance is so simple that even a child can understand it. It is definitely simpler than trigonometry and calculus; chemical reactions, equations, Newton's and Einstein's laws; and all the commerce, history, geography.

Are you one of the persons who just sign where your banker or agent tells you to, leaving him the "dirty" job of filling up the details in any form? Are you one of the persons who doesn't bother to even read the form carefully? Well, don't be surprised if you have to pay for this negligence.

If you accept papers at face value; if you don't cross check every document given to you; if you leave any blanks in a form; I am not sure why anyone won't be tempted to take you for a ride.

Once upon a time when a man gave his word, he kept it at all costs. Even at the cost of his life. This certainly is not true today. So if you believe in word-of-mouth promises, you are open to the risk of being duped. Given that our courts are filled with innumerable cases, shows that people are not averse to even going back on written words. So you can well imagine the fate of verbal assurances or commitments.

Did you agree to invest because you were told that the particular scheme will close in a day or two? Did you book a flat because you were told that prices will increase soon? Was a sense of urgency created and you fell for it?

This is another trick used by fraudsters, create an emergency so that you don't get enough time to cross-check and verify the details.

If you do not wish to be the next victim of some scam, the bottom line is simple - don't think it can't happen to you. Then take appropriate precautions to protect yourself from becoming the next prey. (By the way, the fraudsters may not always be some strangers. People have been swindled by their acquaintances too.)