Okay, so what if I tell you that you can make money from nothing? You don't have to put your own money to invest. What's the catch? It's a scam, there is no catch.
Here is a little story where I lost a week of precious time and gains nothing from it. Damn you, David Talbot. I really hate you now whoever you are. Anyway, I lost nothing but time.
I found the scammy ads on paid-to-click service and I should've know about it but I just refused to believe my instinct. After I got redirected, I emailed David right away asking if he got a slot available for the naive guy (me).
I got myself new login and password with 250USD in an instant. All I need is to play on red or black at Winn-Palace. The roulette is pretty simple, I just need to win at least 100USD and call it a day. It can be done around 15 to 20 minute. 50% of the total profit will be paid to the player which I don't get until now.
Lesson learnt and I hope you will not fell for these shit. If you plan to get rich quick, buy a lottery. That's a bad advice ;P